Sunday, April 23, 2023

Warning: Do Not Use Canada Post's Xpresspost Service


On March 7, 2023, I sent a wedding present of $500 using Canada Post's Xpresspost. It cost $17.00 to mail for tracking and a two-day delivery expectation. Within 13 hours, it had vanished at the Calgary facility.

In a phone call with the Claims department, I was initially told I would be reimbursed according to how much insurance I’d bought. However, when the envelope was purchased, insurance was not offered (or even mentioned) as an option. 

Almost a month and a half later, the envelope has never turned up. I’ve since been informed that CP does not actually cover anything that someone would use Xpresspost to send. Their email advised me to reply if I had any questions, but when tried to do so, my email was returned as "rejected" by the recipient. I have since sent two more emails which have had no response. 

My questions are:

1/What is the explanation for my envelope disappearing? What does CP think happened to it?

2/How extensive has the investigation been and how long with it continue to be investigated?

3/What percentage of Xpresspost items actually do go missing? Are these envelopes being           scanned for valuables and deliberately targeted for theft? (I am inclined to think so..)

4/Is there such a thing as a dead letter department for Xpresspost where my envelope may be sitting for some reason? Has that even been checked?

In their email, CP apologized for any “inconvenience” they may have caused. Well, I’m afraid that losing $500, is considerably more than an inconvenience! I placed my trust in CP and when I paid 17 times the price of a regular letter, it was with the understanding that my envelope would be securely tracked and delivered as described. 

CANADA POST lost this on their watch! How can they possibly not be accountable? Their insurance should be covering the loss. And, if CP is not held accountable, what incentive is there for these losses to ever be taken seriously and properly investigated? 

My advice: Do not trust or use Canada Post Xpresspost!


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