Sunday, May 15, 2011

Set a "Made In Canada" price for gasoline

Although this is may be humorous image, the rising price of gasoline is no laughing matter.

Nothing irks me more than smiling newscasters always urging us to “get used to it”; always reinforcing the idea that there is nothing we can do about it. Then, there are their recommendations: Get a smaller car, don’t drive an SUV, take public transport, ride a bicycle, walk, carpool, work from home. And while I wouldn’t necessarily disagree with those, in the end, it’s not that simple. For example, the average person can’t just go out and buy new vehicle and public transportation, bicycles, walking, carpooling and working from home are only solutions if you are able to implement them. Yet day after day, the media works hard to instil the notion that it’s us who have to make all the compromises, never the oil and gas industry.

Along with a growing number of Canadians, I believe we need to set our own “Made in Canada” price for our own resources. If the NAFTA agreement is preventing us from doing so, then it needs to be changed as soon as possible. Instead of being given free rein to create economic chaos, the oil companies need to start making a few compromises of their own, such as making reasonable rather than obscene profits.

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