Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Worst Premier Ever Alberta 2021

The United Conservative Party in Alberta has been selling hats as a fundraiser that read:  Best Summer Ever, Alberta 2021".

Given what a disaster the summer has actually been, with out-of-control COVID cases, plans to stop testing and mandatory isolation and almost no input or guidance from government officials, I thought this image was much more appropriate. 

December 2022 update: On October 11, 2022, we became saddled with Danielle Smith as interim premier. When I originally posted this in July, 2021, it didn't seem possible that we could have ever have a worse premier than Jason Kenney. Unfortunately, I was wrong!

May 2023 update: For more in-depth information about the Kenney government, please see:



Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Won't Ship to a Box Number

 Although hundreds of thousands of rural Canadians have a box number address, those of us living in the country are continually refused proper service by companies and individuals who, for their own arbitrary reasons, have decided they won’t ship to a box number. 

One go-round has been with Staples, who advertise free shipping on their website. However, when you actually try to place an order, you discover that Shipping addresses must have a Canada Post verified street address’If you contact Customer Service, you quickly find it is next to impossible to get the agents to grasp that most farms and acreages out in the country don’t have street addresses.

Some of the excuses I routinely get for not mailing to a box number are:

·         The on-line shipping form is not set up for box numbers

·         Item requires a signature

·         Item is too large to fit in a post box

·         Item isn’t being shipped by Canada Post

·         Street address is required for door-step delivery

·         Box numbers are not secure

·         Box numbers are suspicious. People have them for nefarious purposes

In most cases, Customer Service agents (email or telephone) are responding from a prepared script and clearly have no understanding about rural mail delivery. Therefore, in September 2020, I decided to address my concerns with Staples in a written letter to their head office in Ontario. To date, (now July 2021), despite two letters to Customer Service and three more to CEO David Boone, I still have had no reply whatsoever.

In fact, rural mail delivery is much more secure than parcels left on a porch in the city. If a Canada Post parcel does not fit into a rural mail compartment or requires a signature, you get a delivery notice and go to the local post office/agent with identification to collect it. If the item has not been shipped Canada Post, it will go to the appropriate courier depot in the community for pick-up. These include Fed Ex, Purolator, UPS and DHL. You are notified either by the local depot phoning you directly or by an email from the shipper tracking the item. No, the item will not be delivered directly to your door out in the country, but that doesn't mean you can't receive it.

Refusing to provide service to a specific group (rural Canadians in this case) is, by definition, discrimination. I feel any company doing business in Canada should legally be required to deliver to all Canadians at their legitimate address.

That Staples' head office has not responded to five letters speaks volumes as to how the company values our business. They seem to have overlooked the fact that it is many of the people with those pesky box numbers who are actually putting food on their tables!

Inevitably, customer service agents will tell you to "just use a different address". However, as a rural Canadian, my box number is my only mailing address. It is also the address that is on my driver's license, income tax, bank statements etc. I don't have another address and I shouldn't need one!

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Albertans Against the Common Good

This is a shot from a public Facebook posting from the Whistle Stop Cafe in Mirror, Alberta March 8, 2021. It refers to the Alberta hairdresser (niece of former premier Ralph Klein) who decided she knew a lot more about COVID-19 than the medical or scientific community. On January 12, 2021, in the middle of the pandemic, she defied public health orders by opening her salon anyway. Instead of getting fined and shut down, the UCP government suddenly announced that 'personal care services' could now legally re-open the following week. This emboldened several other maverick businesses to do the same thing, including the Whistle Stop Cafe, whose owner, in the meantime, appears to be devoting more time crusading against the imagined loss of freedoms than actually minding his own business.

Then along came two Alberta UCP MLAs, Drew Barnes and Angela Pitt, who, in order to further their own agendas, joined a national coalition against lockdowns claiming "Albertans have not been given adequate evidence to justify the rules......:https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/end-the-lockdown-coalition-1.5908105

As of February 2, 2023, 5486 Albertans have died from COVID -19. (When I originally wrote this in March, 2021, the number of deaths was 1900, so to date, an additional 3586 people have lost their lives.) I'd say the family and friends of those who have died, along with the front-line medical personnel who have witnessed those deaths on a daily basis probably believe that they've had more than enough 'evidence' to justify the rules. Political grandstanding from self-absorbed ego-driven business owners and ambitious politicians dishonors every single one of those people who have died and completely disrespects the families. It is also a slap in the face to all the conscientious Albertans who have made sacrifices of their own in order to help bring down the curve.

Right now, we're in a race against the variants. In all likelihood, lockdowns will be necessary again. Obeying those regulations should not be optional.

December 2022 update: As of October 11, 2022, Alberta has been saddled with Danielle Smith, a science-denying interim premier who believes that those individuals who refused to comply with public health regulations and routinely endangered others are 'the most discriminated group she has witnessed in her lifetime'. In November, she announced regulatory changes banning both school mask mandates and a move to on-line learning, even though Alberta is being slammed by a 'tri-demic' of COVID-19, RSV and flu. There is a soaring absentee rate in Alberta schools and the Alberta and Stollery Children's Hospitals are at or over 100% capacity. The Alberta Children's Hospital has placed a heated trailer outside the emergency department in order to deal with surges in patient volume, yet our so-called premier continues to push her ludicrous agenda with little concern for children, teachers, support staff or parents.